Expansionist Plans and Water
Mashallah for a View!
may our friends be merry and our enemies brake...
Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos said here Friday it was important that a Bundestag resolution, calling for the lifting of the so-called isolation of the Turkish Cypriots, was not binding for the German government.I wonder if the governmnet has confused the Bundestag for the Bundesliga?
"the man in question left a few days ago with no baggage. He then returned via Athens and picked up two pieces of baggage [which contained 20 kees of badly needed grass] at Larnaca airport. He was spotted by the undercover agent when he obviously started looking nervous. He then picked up 2 pieces of baggage and tried to leave the airport"So, the policeman was there for at least a few days. He made mental note of everyone leaving without baggage. After a few sleepless days he noticed the same man picking up 2 suitcases which happened to contained 20 Kg of gear. The policeman in question deserves much more than a medal. No one squealed. The police did their job and our children were spared a certain death.
"The church wants a single- monolithic, I would say - position on the national issue. The opposition can disagree on soooo many other domestic issues - after all, in case of a mistake, these can always be fixed whereas any mistake made on the national issue would be irreversible".The High Priest did not tell us which, in his opinion, was the correct position on the Cyprus Issue.
"CyTA won't approve the line transfer because there has been a change in the company name"OK, so what's the problem? Yes, well, Loukaniko Limited was registered in the 'phone book as Loukaniko Sausages Limited. Biiiig problem. Registration number? Same same.