No Fighting, Please

To paraphrase the illustrious leader of fearless Europeans in Stravaraland's House of Representatives; "In some parliaments - especially in Asian countries - people beat each other up. Let's hope we, in Cyprus do not stoop to this level. Let's hope that we do not become the first European country to to adopt this Asian mentality".
In the meantime, the new Minister of Defence - who will doubtless oversee our purchase of Asian weaponry - is none other than our good friend Chris Pash. We congratulate him wholeheartedly on his appointment.
Chris Pash will be officially crowned at DaMan's palace at 1:30 on Monday during a ceremonious cocktail party, so be there or be square, as Uma would say.
does this remind you of the "No fighting allowed in the war room" signs in Stanley Kubricks Dr Strangelove?
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