That [pseudo] Bridge Too Far
Four bloggers drinking at Plato's, car borrowing, sozouma from Leventis, baby induced zombificaion; Stravaraland has it all.
And a Happy New Year to All.
may our friends be merry and our enemies brake...
Invited to comment on yesterday's statements by German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Pashiardis said that the government does not attribute any political dimension to Steinmeier's reference to a "Northern Cyprus."
"We do not have any doubt that the German Minister's specific reference is a mere geographical definition with no political implications whatsoever," Pashiardis noted.
"Ο Πρόεδρος Παπαδόπουλος είπε ότι τον εξέπληξε η θερμότητα με την οποία οι Κινέζοι επίσημοι εκδήλωσαν τις θέσεις τους υπέρ της Κύπρου, οι οποίοι, όπως είπε, παραδοσιακά είναι πολύ συγκρατημένοι στις δηλώσεις τους.Presidenk pppapadopoulos said he ws pleasantly shocked at the temperature with which the official china people expresses their seats in the favour of Cyprus. This is because they are usually very preservd
''Πήρα τη διαβεβαίωση όλων ότι για την Κίνα το Κυπριακό αποτελεί πολύ σημαντικό θέμα'', είπε ο Πρόεδρος Παπαδόπουλος"My inbox contains over 1.2 billion e-mails from all the chinese in resposive to my kweschun..."re, is Cyprus important to China?". Their ansqwer was an undefibrillated "YES!"
"Yes, Georges, good to hear from you too...really...? well, I'm glad you're getting some shopping done...Actually, yes, I did mean it earlier when I said that you boys should be careful not to bend over to pick up the soap when there's someone else in the showers....Well, of course it's embarassing, Georges, and I do empathise...
...Georges....? No, no, it's alright to cry sometimes...I think the english call it a royal shafting...yes, yes, just like the old othomaniko...No, I did not say they sent a boy to do a man's job, Georges...Oh, dear, please stop crying... Of course the people back home won't mind... it'll all blow over in few days...
... Yes, Georges, I agree, you boys are far better diplomats than the Turks. Don't worry, you'll get to negotiate another day... maybe you should practice when you're alone.... I'm sorry, Georges, I must hang up.... now don't be like that... yes, of course I'll call again..."
'Two-way deal'
A Finnish spokesman said it was not clear whether Turkey's offer met the EU's demands. Turkish officials said they would not disclose the details of the offer - like which port and airport were involved, or when they might be opened.
However, Turkey's Anatolia news agency said the offer depended on the EU ending the isolation of Turkish-controlled breakaway northern Cyprus, by allowing trade through Ercan airport and the port of Famagusta.
A Turkish foreign ministry source was quoted by Reuters as saying: "This is a two-way deal. We would require the same number of airports and ports to be opened on each side."