June 05, 2007

Photis Strikes Again

Photis Photiou, Stravaraland's illustrious Minister of Agriculture, former freedom fighter and the man who brought us the ridiculous pseudo-pseudo potato farce has now decided to bring to our attention a new and even more sinister plot hatched in the [geographic] pseudo-north. The flavour of the month is... Genetically Modified crops or food or plain old Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

As always, though, PhotiPhoti was careful not to divulge any details as to what exactly is being grown in the pseudo geographic north. Perhaps it is merely supplied through the pseudonorth. I suppose we need to be patient and give him and his fertile imagination a bit of time to dream up more details before alerting our own pseudo-press.

The shocking news, however, may explain a lot, as people have recently sighted an extraordinary number of rice paddies cropping up in the north, yielding tons of golden rice. This would also explain Turkey's eagerness to build a water pipeline, as reported by the mother of all rags, Phileleftheros, recently.

So, let's be vigilant and very very careful. Thanks, Photi


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