September 08, 2006

So Long, Suckers!

He was once described by a man named Bruno, in Malta as The Cypriot Yoda. AKEL once pretended to back him during presidential elections. The remorse our Stalinists felt, however fuelled by the resulting from this prank, however, landed him a job for life.

But we know him better as the Shistris Waiter, who rose to worldwide fame by becoming Stravaraland's first ever (and last) Minister of Tavern Affairs. A worldwide craze for traditional Stravaraland Mezedes after all, is one of the secret weapons that have, in the past, been utilised by the Government in search (as in found and lost) of a European Solution.

At any rate, Jackie Boy was eventually asked to leave his cabinet post in exchange for junkets and a globetrotting experience. Free Business Class travel, after all, broadens both minds and smiles.

In case you were wondering, he's off to Cuba next week to attend ...some Non Aligned Movement conference. Oh, but wait, it seems we're not members of that fine organisation anymore so our man (along with "other EU dignitairies" - according to the Official Press Release!) is simply going to make a guest appearance. Not even Co-Starring billing, re gamwto. But he will be discussing the Cyprus Problem as well as "other international matters"

Keep paying your taxes, children...


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