Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Some people lie, while others simply avoid telling the whole truth. Stravaraland's State broadcaster, however prefers to combine elements of both these tendencies and get a bit hysterical while quoting things out of context.
There are mediocre first-year journalism students at second-rate colleges the world over who have a better grasp on professional ethics than the journalists at our own Pashin Arnin.
News by extrapolation and fantasy is a favourite tactic at this exclusive taxpayer subsidised resort.
Friday's hysterics included a claim that the Times ran an article urging its readers to "think twice" before investing in property in the PseudoNorth.
By the tone of delivery, I imagined front page headlines and was pleased by the prospect that the Orams case would not end up being a fiasco for Stravaraland, after all.
Of the items found on the Times' site, the first does not actually have a very encouraging headline, whereas the second does not actually contain a warning to think twice. |*|
By the way, if anyone is still interested in helping Mr. Pashiardis and his boss study the Orams case judgement it can be found here.
Then we another hysterical outburst, quoting a Reuter's item. This re-interpration claimed FIA officials were outraged at the goofy stunt involving Talat of The North after the Constatinople Grand Prix. Yep, the Turks may lose next year's event and ... "other sporting events". I suppose these other events may include the World Baklava Eating Championships - which FIA also organises.
The Evening News on CyBC Uno, however, ended with La Kenevezou delivering a classic line regarding the two G3 rifles that were stolen from the kitchen of an National Guard outpost somewhere in the Red Villages.
Kenevezou closed the evening extravaganza by telling us that the authorities feared that the rifles may have " ... fallen into the wrong hands"
|*| Erratum: The second item in the Property Section of the Times does offer the advice to prospective buyers of property bargains. I stand corrected.
However, within the context it hardly justifies jubilation.
Para 2 of 'Caveat Emptor'
" the Orams’ tale should cause anyone drawn by the tantalisingly low property prices in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to think twice. "
correction of blog 'liar, liar, pants on fire' in order?
Rumour has it the Times changed the article since I updated this blog. But, hell, fair is fair.
In any case, I agree with Noullis that the CyBC and in general the media of Stravaraland do tend to take one sentence or phrase and run with it. I mean the tone and description of the whole is more of: "the poor Brits look what they had to deal with because of the 'conflict of two communities'" and "the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the EU are not enforceable in the TRNC".
I do not see how the article is anything we should be happy or "proud" about!
And I have noticed this many times. If you go and actually read the stuff they quote, more often than not, the content is a lot more toned down or more neutral.
Eg the think tank study that Politis had quoted a while back, had caused all the media and politicians to expresses their concern etc etc, when in fact the stufy merely mentioned what had happened and how to move on in their opinion - it was not a foreign government paying to undrmine our fearless leaders... in any case...
I am sure some polticians will use this article to justify something and excuse his patriotic stand, while he/she might not even read the said article...
You hear about an article, read it, hear the news and the politicians talk about it and you realise what utter crap we are served on the evening news every day(night).
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