January 24, 2007

Geographical Location

BBC informs us today that

"A man has been jailed for 10 years for manslaughter by a court in Northern Cyprus, after setting fire to a shop in Stoke-on-Trent in an insurance swindle."

Of course, as the government spokesman C Pash will claim, the article refers to a geographical location that has nothing to do with reality. Or something like that.

To repeat the infamous quote that is probably saved in Pash's memory indelibly:

"We do not have any doubt that the German Minister's specific reference is a mere geographical definition with no political implications whatsoever," Pashiardis noted.

Just substitute German Minister with BBC

Until we get bored and we stop even doing that...

originally posted by Apodimos Kypreos


Blogger Noullis said...

What ChrisPash and the masses do not understand is that references such as 'North Cyprus' are not merely accidental but part of what is known in the news media as 'style'. International news agencies, therefore, do not refer to Turkish Occupied whatever. The fact that there is an occupation army in the you-know-where may or may not be mentioned. Throwing little fits won't change a thing, as Bob Dylan once said.

25 January, 2007 05:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the ethnarch has solved the banana problem on the 24th April 2004. all that is left is the fine print.

We just haven't realised it yet.

25 January, 2007 10:02  

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