A Kingdom for a Horse

In the old days the mud slinging and melodrama had to take much more extreme forms ranging from virtual kidnappings to accusations of espionage. So, even before the fans gather to take their seats in anticipation of the Mother of all Cup Finals the 'crews' have to get to work. And kidnapping does not need to be an option as we have more means of communication available than one can shake a stick at. And, unlike football, the violence does not need to mar the aftermath of the game.
Choose your weapon, loonies. It can take the form of bilious comments (as we have seen time and time again) that really ought to remain in place for all to enjoy and have a chuckle, as it becomes obvious that the only talent they have mastered is cut, paste and forward. Ahh, the children of a lesser brain - bless them for entertaining us in their own moronic manner.
As for the offensive text messages transmitted by loonies across the political spectrum of brainless fanaticism, one can feel offended. For a few seconds. But, to be quite honest, I'm more disturbed by an SMS I occasionally get reminding "Dear Militsa" that sports bras can be bought at a considerable discount. I know I need to get to a gym but these little messages are a bit too much. If I were to get melodramatic about the effect they have on my psyche I don't think I'd ever get laid! So, no, I won't fall prey to melodrama on this one or any manner of extremeist on-line idiocy. But hooligans cannot kill a sport.
The recently ousted president has gone to ground and I'm certain that he's getting a huge kick out of seeing how much damage he can do to all parties left to stand and fight. Calling in favours to stir things up before retiring, the big loser of the presidential elections, is simply behaving like the child who would rather break all his toys for the mere satisfaction of seeing the other kids cry.
And many are those who have had it with both remaining candidates. They too could play a role if they insist on casting a blank vote and get organised for the next showdown. Blogging en masse is but the tip of the iceberg. But more blank votes is something Tassos would love to see at this moment. If nothing else, he would see it as sticking it to Jimmy for calling him a liar. And an SMS or two could also stick it to Yiannakis. The more string TeePee has access to, the more he'll pull.
I'm glad Tassos is out, but I'd rather see him stay farther.
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