Rifles rifles rifles

So, for about four to five years Cypriots and pseudo-Cypriots have been crossing the "we don't want to say it's a border but let's act like it is, but not" every day in large numbers. To the gross disappointment of Freedom Fighters everywhere, mass graves were scorned for the sake of mass consumption and our respective struggles drowned their sorrow in frappuccino in the subtly and tastefully named Mall of Cyprus.
And then, on the day of a sporting event of the highest political order, some hoolifans of one of the teams, seeking to compensate for their bourgeois existential ennui by way of Byzantinohellenic heritages, go ahead and do this.
Pay attention to some of the comments from Famagusta Gazette's esteemed readership. My favourite is this guy:
HAS ANYONE EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE 50 THOUSAND HUNTING RIFFLES THAT EXIST IN THE GREEK SIDE, IN THE CASE OF A CYPRUS PROBLEM SOLUTION?Caps aside, I can't help but wonder if this person thinks that a) our brave G/C weekend reservists [I can only assume that's what he's talking about] are likely to use their 50,000 rifles for hunting T/Cs rather than hunting rabbits, b) a significant percentage of said "hunters" can actually aim and c) any of those rifles are in actual working order.